BEHIND THE HEDGEROW premiered in August 2010 to sell-out crowds and rave reviews. The Providence Journal gave it four stars, calling it a “hit” as the opening-night feature of the Rhode Island International Film Festival. Rhode Island Monthly called it a “don’t-miss” movie. “Shockingly refreshing and funny,” said Newport Mercury. Broadway World sent notice of the documentary nationwide. The film went on to a month-long run at Newport’s popular Jane Pickens theater.
Now, you can own a copy of this timeless hit documentary. The deluxe DVD is the newly re-edited director's cut: some five minutes longer (and better!) than the August version, with more about Bailey's Beach, Eileen's ill-fated engagement to the richest bachelor in the world, and more. The DVD also has bonus footage of interviews with Newport Society members. As promised, the DVDs arrived on November 2 from the manufacturer and pre orders were shipped immediately. New orders will be shipped as soon as they are received! So what are you waiting for? We prefer that you order online, through the BUY NOW button below, but checks and money orders are accepted, email us for details.